Friday, October 12, 2012

Close Encounters of the Engaged Kind

Mr. M and I are packing up to go on our Catholic Engaged Encounter this weekend. I'm looking forward to it - but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little nervous!

Engaged Encounter is a weekend-long retreat that the church offers as an alternative to the traditional pre-cana classes. We'll be staying at a retreat center in deep, deep Brooklyn, sharing dorm rooms with a same sex roommate and spending the weekend learning about married life from other Catholic married couples. From what I can gather, we'll be doing a lot of writing and sharing with each other rather than with the whole group, which takes a little bit of the edge off! But still... it definitely takes me out of my cozy comfort zone to be sharing a room with a stranger... and possibly sharing things about my relationship with a big group of people I don't know!

But at the end of the day, I think it will be a good experience. Mr. M and I have pretty awesome communication, if I do say so myself, but there are always more things to talk about. And I've heard that EE is actually a really wonderful experience. Some of my friends have gone through it, and they say that it's really strengthened their bond as a couple and brought up a lot of discussions that might not have come up otherwise. Mr. M and I share a lot of the same values and dreams for our future, and I think we've pretty much covered all of the relevant topics on our own: the timing (and raising) of future little Ms, our financial goals, our feelings on the topic of divorce, our respective childhoods. But who knows? There is always more to learn.

So wish me luck!

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