Thursday, October 4, 2012

Put a ring on it! Part 2

On a very long and drizzly ride back home from a cousin's wedding in upstate New York a few months ago, I spotted an outlet mall with a sign for a Zales outlet along the highway. Discount jewelry?! "Pull over!" I shrieked. "We need wedding bands!"

Turns out, outlet doesn't really mean what it used to. Mr. M and I tried on a bunch of rings, but the prices seemed comparable to a regular Zales store, and even with the slight discount, we didn't feel moved to buy anything. On the bright side, though, we did make some decisions about the styles we like! Mr. M fell in love with a tungsten band with black detailing and I realized that my engagement ring's setting meant that I would either have to get a curved wedding band or rock a considerable gap between the e-ring and the wedding ring. I liked the curved look a lot more than the gap, and when the saleswoman showed us how it would look with two curved diamond bands - one on either side of my engagement ring - Mr. M and I were both sold. Sparkles and curves was the way to go.

Back home, I started looking for the perfect curved band, and I found it at OroSpot!

Picture from OroSpot website
It was not only just the right amount of bling, the price also sounded pretty excellent. Last night, we pulled the trigger and ordered it! 

I can't wait til it arrives - I'm totally going to put it on and start prancing around, practicing for married life. "Oh, this ring?" I'll say, "it's my wedding band. My husband bought it for me!" 

At least until my friends start giving me those "you're crazy" looks, of course. Then I'll tuck it back into the box and put it away until the big day in June. 


  1. Wow, that band is beautiful! I love the slight curve and the bling! :D

    1. Thanks! I really hope it looks good once it's here... it shipped out yesterday so should be here soon. (Yay!)
