Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Love is a decision

This weekend, Mr. M and I attended our long-awaited (and long-dreaded) Catholic Engaged Encounter retreat. Long story short: it was amazing.

There were some parts we weren't crazy about, of course, like the creaky beds in our monastic cells or the stale croissants at breakfast. (Luckily, there was a McDonald's across the street! When we pulled into the parking lot of the retreat center and spied the Golden Arches, the knowing look that Mr. M and I gave each other was proof positive that we're a hundred percent perfect for each other.) But the weekend's bright spots eclipsed the not-so-hot ones by far. Some of the bonding we did was over silly stuff - like sneaking out for breakfast at 6:30 a.m. before anyone else was awake, or Mr. M crawling out onto the balcony to let me into my room after I accidentally locked myself out of it. But most of it was real, honest, emotional re-connection.

Living it up, monk style!
Our fellow fiances and fiancees were a smart, honest, fun group of people. Though most of the work we did was just with our own intended, there was a group session on Saturday night where we all sat around in a circle and discussed relationship issues that we'd written down and stuffed in the anonymous questions box earlier in the day. There was a really broad range of experience in the group, and it was really cool to hear other folks' thoughts on some things that come up in a lot of marriages. The two older married couples who led the discussions throughout the weekend were also fantastic. They did a lot of very honest sharing about their lives together, and I really appreciated their willingness to open up and tell us about how they have worked to create successful, happy marriages.

I was nervous, before the weekend, that Mr. M and I would be put through some sort of Spanish Inquisition about our living arrangements or subjected to a lecture about burning in hell if we ever even thought about using contraceptives, but that kind of thing never really happened. There was a discussion about Natural Family Planning and a couple of mentions in the written materials about the supposed benefits of not living together before marriage, but the judgement I expected was nowhere to be found. (Phew!)

All in all, the time we spent there was worth every minute and every penny. We loved it so much that we signed up to volunteer to be one of the presenting married couples someday in the future! It was so lovely to take some time out from our daily lives and just share with each other. I couldn't recommend it more highly!


  1. Your retreat sounds amazing and I'm so glad you and Mr. M had that chance to get to know each other! I can tell you I equally feared judgement before entering our church-based counseling (since Mr. E is not religious!) but luckily there was none of the source: yes, there was a section in the pre-marital questionare about religious differences but nothing shaming us at all.

  2. (And by get to know each other, I meant "re-know" or re-connect, clearly you already know a lot about each other but I also know there's always more to learn!!)

    1. There definitely is always more to learn! It was really a great experience. :)

      I'm glad to hear you also avoided judgement in your pre-marital counseling! I know someone whose priest told him explicitly that he was going to hell during his pre-cana, and I was like, oh man. Mr. M would never just sit there and take that kind of nonsense, and I knew it wasn't going to be pretty if that happened! But it didn't, and all was peaceful and good. Yay!

  3. I love hearing about couples that dreaded the idea of getting ready for marriage and then found out they loved it. I also love the title of the post and heartily agree :)

    1. Thanks! :)

      I think a lot of our fears about the process were unfounded, and we definitely got more out of it than we expected to. It was a great experience overall, and gave us some great new perspectives on our relationship... always a good thing!
