Friday, June 22, 2012

Sh*t Fiances Say

Just in case I ever start complaining about Mr. M not being involved enough in our wedding planning... here are some of his most recent wedding related suggestions:

"I'm going to fart out 'Unchained Melody' while you walk down the aisle."

"We'll ride in on a chariot pulled by [our two cats]!"

(While at a 7-11) "Ooh, let's register for that nacho cheese dispenser!"

"Let's design the invites to look like they're coming from a bill collector."

"I have an idea for the passed appetizers: bacon-wrapped Peeps!"

"For the after party, I'm going to dress up like Billy Bob Thornton in Slingblade. You can be John Ritter."

Guys.... what would I do without him? :D


  1. I just laughed so hard that....well, I think I have to go make a pee-pee. These are PRICELESS.

    1. Oh... there are more! These are just the ones that are fit to print. ;)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Ha. Reminds me of my FI's push for having a nacho cheese fountain at our cocktail hour.
